If you want to feel your peaceful true nature, getting present with every constriction in your throat, or drop in your stomach, is not enough.

You’ve gotten really honest about this problem being something about you.

You know the contraction is information for you.

You’ve seen it in awareness so many times.

You might think that the more you do this the more the world will change and you’ll get exactly what you want.

You might think that getting present to what’s going on means you’re doing nonduality really well.

But if you’re still not feeling truly peaceful and grounded, we can almost guarantee we have the simple solution…

It’s because you don’t have a complete embodied knowing of who you are.

And that leaves you waiting for better feelings some time in the future.

When you truly know who you are, it takes you from feeling guilt and shame that you’re still reacting against the people you care about. It gets you clear about who you are that holds back from speaking up. And it gets you grounded in peaceful feelings - no matter what’s happening in your life.

Here’s how…

1. When you know who you truly are you will…

Not just try to clean up all your human reactions.

You will deeply know who you are that’s experiencing those reactions.

2. When you know what your experience actually is you will…

Stop judging and shaming yourself for reacting.

You will start untangling the jumble of thoughts and feelings to understand exactly what you’re experiencing.

3. When you bring all of your experience back together to see that it is truly one (nondual) you will…

Stop trying to deny your human experience, or dismiss it with the idea ‘there’s no me’.

You will take nonduality from being “just a nice idea that you hope to ‘get’ one day” to the actual realisation that you are experiencing the truth right now. This feels peaceful and completely settled.

If you’re ready to start feeling at ease with all of your human experience, you’re ready for Realising Awakening - our live group program for people in a spiritual exploration who are so ready to feel the contentment they’ve always been promised.